Relative line numbers (relative to the current line) are super popular in the world of Vim, because there it’s super easy to move n lines up or down wiht j and k. In the world of Emacs most of us tend to just go some line using M-g g using a absolute line number or using avy (avy-goto-line).

That being said, relative line numbers are easy to enable in Emacs and quite handy if you’re into evil-mode:

(setq display-line-numbers-type 'relative)
(global-display-line-numbers-mode +1)

Relative line numbers are useful with the Emacs core commands forward-line (C-n) and previous-line (C-p) as well. Just trigger them with the universal prefix C-u and you can move quickly around:

  • C-u 5 C-n (move 5 lines forward)
  • C-u 10 C-p (move 10 lines backward)


That’s all I have for you today! Keep hacking!