Highlight Matching Parentheses
If you’re into programming highlighting the matching parentheses in
your code is probably something you find rather desirable. Emacs
doesn’t do so by default, but the global minor mode show-paren-mode
that comes bundled with Emacs, does.
(require 'paren)
(setq show-paren-style 'parenthesis)
(show-paren-mode +1)
Valid styles are parenthesis
(meaning highlight the matching
parentheses), expression
(meaning show the entire expression
enclosed by the parentheses) and mixed
(meaning show the matching
parentheses if both are visible, and the expression otherwise).
Personally I find parenthesis
as the least distracting option and
therefore I favor it.
If you’d like to change the faces used for matching and mismatched
parentheses you’d have to alter show-paren-mismatch
. Most decent color themes do this out the box.
is enabled out-of-the-box in