Emacs users have a lot of power at their disposal, but in one department they are always short - the number of available non-complex keybindings that they can leverage.

Obviously nobody likes pressing keybindings like C-c C-v k (or something like that). One way to get your hands on some extra keybindings is to utilize the Super key (it’s the Windows key on Win keyboards and the Command key on Mac keyboards1). One great thing about Super is that you generally have two of them, which makes them touch-typing friendly. What’s more - since almost no packages use those keys you’re left with plenty of options.

Prelude defines a bunch of global keybindings that use the Super key.

;; make some use of the Super key
(define-key global-map [?\s-d] 'projectile-find-dir)
(define-key global-map [?\s-e] 'er/expand-region)
(define-key global-map [?\s-f] 'projectile-find-file)
(define-key global-map [?\s-g] 'projectile-grep)
(define-key global-map [?\s-j] 'prelude-top-join-line)
(define-key global-map [?\s-k] 'prelude-kill-whole-line)
(define-key global-map [?\s-l] 'goto-line)
(define-key global-map [?\s-m] 'magit-status)
(define-key global-map [?\s-o] 'prelude-open-line-above)
(define-key global-map [?\s-w] 'delete-frame)
(define-key global-map [?\s-x] 'exchange-point-and-mark)
(define-key global-map [?\s-p] 'projectile-switch-project)

If you find pressing Super comfortable obviously you have the potential to add quite a lot more keybindings to this list.

P.S. Some keyboards (notably laptop ones) have a Fn key as well that’s also usable in Emacs keybindings. Somewhat funny that key is known in Emacs as Hyper (Star Wars fans are undoubtedly adding a Hyper-Space keybinding to their setups right about now).

  1. Although many people remap Command to Meta and Option to Super